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Housing & Community Revitalization | Case Studies

Urban Development

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s

Office of Public and Indian Housing: Training and Technical Assistance to Troubled and Substandard Public Housing Agencies. More

As part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Management Reform, the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH), Troubled Agency Recovery Center (TARC) established new performance monitoring tools: the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS), to evaluate Public Housing Agencies; and Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP), to evaluate the Housing Choice Voucher program. These tools ensure safe, sanitary, and affordable housing to millions of low-income families. More


Partnered with North American Management in an effort to reduce indoor environmental hazards and improve health outcomes in federally assisted housing. More

In an effort to reduce indoor environmental hazards and improve health outcomes in federally assisted housing, HUD identified Smokefree housing as a priority. HUD partnered with North American Management to collect, analyze and package/market information about smoking hazards, smoking cessation and development and implementation of smoke-free housing plans into toolkits for use by Public Housing Authorities (PHAs/ Federal grantees), privately owned rental housing owners and managers who receive Federal funding as well as their residents. More


Office of Public and Indian Housing, Management of the Grants Management Center. More

The Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Grants Management Center (GMC) processes almost 3,000 grant applications from Public Housing Authorities, municipalities, and non-profit community organizations in response to Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs) for over $6 Billion in grant funds annually. Processing includes, support for NOFA development; receipt, review scoring and ranking of applications; documenting and reporting rationales; notifying applicants of success or failure; and providing reports to congress and other stakeholders. More


Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Business Process Reengineering. More

In an effort to maximize efficiency and consistency in its delivery of fair housing services nationwide, FHEO sought the services of a contractor to conduct a business process reengineering of its Washington, D.C. headquarters and field offices. More



Engaged North American Management to conduct strategic planning activities and prepare a five-year strategic plan. More

As a result of a transformation initiative, the Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) engaged North American Management to conduct strategic planning activities and prepare a five-year strategic plan for the agency. North American Management conducted a series of interviews with key staff and stakeholders, reviewed HACC’s mission, goals and objectives and conducted portfolio assessment activities. More



Office of Housing, Predatory Lending Campaign. More

The mission of the Homeownership and Predatory Lending Program (HPL)  is to provide individuals with information on the availability of HUD Real Estate Ownings (REO’s), HUD contacts and procedures, and the issue of predatory lending and its adverse effects.  The objective is to develop borrower’s awareness of and avoidance of predatory lending in the home mortgage market by spotlighting its signs. More



U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Servies

Retained North American Management to provide training, technical assistance and resources to strengthen the capacity of primary health care centers focused on the health of public housing residents. More

National Cooperative Agreement holder for the Public Housing Primary Care Program, North American Management is responsible for strengthening the capacity of the Health Resources and Services Administration’s grantee health centers in meeting the specialized primary health needs of public housing residents. More



Commissioned North American Management to assess the emergency preparedness needs of DCHA residents . More

The DC Housing Authority commissioned North American Management to assess the emergency preparedness needs of DCHA residents as part of a larger effort to ensure their safety and security in the event of a catastrophic incident. Over a period of four months, North American Management engaged stakeholders (both internal and external to DCHA), residents and emergency preparedness experts to determine the extent of residents’ needs. More



Trained the Board of Commissioners in regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities in the oversight of the PHA’s public and assisted housing programs. More

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport (BHA) contracted North American Management to conduct Board of Commissioners’ Training for its newly appointed members.  Responsible for management oversight and by-law interpretation and enforcement, the Board was in need of a training seminar to highlight those areas of concern most salient to its role so as to empower it with the understanding it needed to ensure BHA progress would continue. More



Needed the external expertise of a third party firm with appropriate industry experience to assist CHA by creating different organizational and management scenarios by which the Housing Choice Voucher Program could be run. More

The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) is a municipal corporation which administers federal housing programs for low and very low income families. The CHA receives funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and is entitled to apply for additional funding to construct, acquire, modernize, maintain and operate housing developments.  In addition, the CHA administers federal housing programs that include conventional, rental assistance or community development components. More


Troubled Agency Recovery Center (TARC) required the services of a contractor to provide training and workforce development services to the Board of Commissioners of the Huntington Housing Authority. More

Specifically, training services were necessary in the following areas: public housing finance and accounting; state and local housing law; the principles of the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC); low rent public housing program; and the Section 8 program.​ More
