U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection
Project Name:
Job Analysis and Development and Validation of Physical Fitness Test Batteries
Federal Government
Project Description:
North American Management was contracted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency to provide contractor support to establish medical and/or fitness standards for Air Interdiction Agents (AIA) and Marine Interdiction Agents (MIA). These standards, in turn, form the basis for establishing screening and testing procedures to ensure that individuals in AIA and MIA positions can meet the physical requirements of job performance.
To meet these requirements, we use several proven job analysis methods to gather task and environmental/context information for Air Interdiction Agents, including reviewing relevant background materials (e.g., training documents), conducting interviews with Subject Matter Experts (SME), and conducting a job analysis survey. Once the job analysis is completed, we again use a proven methodology to organize job analysis information for use in guiding our medical specialists to set medical standards. Finally, we determine the best types of assessments to use for measuring medical requirements for AIA and MIA positions.
For more information:
Division Director, Human Capital Strategies