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Case Study: Market Research

CDC_NIOSH_ Final Report_ cover-page-001

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Project Name:

Market Research: Collection of Background Information on Suppliers of Goods and Services to Small Businesses


Federal Government

Project Description:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), retained the services of North American Management to conduct a market research study on the capabilities of organizations that provide technical assistance and support to small businesses to promote occupational safety and health in those businesses. Although small businesses are a significant part of the U.S. economy, preventing occupational fatalities, illnesses, and injuries is challenging for small businesses given their limited resources and capabilities to recognize occupational hazards and conduct surveillance. Promoting occupational safety and health is also challenging for small businesses as a direct result of the dispersed nature of worksites, the variability of work settings, and the small number of workers at various worksites. 

North American Management conducted structured telephone interviews nationwide with over 130 companies in six organizational categories identified by NIOSH as potentially supporting small businesses in issues related to workplace health and safety. From these interviews, observations include that the interviewees were generally knowledgeable of the OSHA requirements, but they had little to no knowledge of CDC/NIOSH’s role in the area of worker safety and health issues in the workplace.

For more information:

Division Director, Research & Evaluation 
